After a challenging year of overcoming cancer and a hip fracture, Julie is feeling stronger and more energetic than ever!
Julie Dodd started training with Forever Strong about a year and a half ago. The biggest challenge she had in joining a gym was finding time in her daily schedule and finding a way to include it in her monthly budget.
After a traumatic year, her energy levels were low. Julie wondered whether she’d join a gym only to crash and burn after a few weeks and not manage to continue.
Today, she feels like she made the best decision by joining Forever Strong.
“The most valuable thing that Forever Strong has shown me is that I can get and stay physically fit as I get older. The benefits are amazing. I have the energy and stamina to get stuff done; whether it’s yard work, gardening, riding my horse, or walking with my dog,” says Julie.
Her active life was shattered unexpectedly
Julie’s always been pretty active; she rides horses and enjoys yoga. But that active life came crashing to a screeching halt, in September of 2018, she fell in her driveway and broke her hip. It required surgery and 6 weeks of non-weight bearing recovery. Before breaking her hip, she had been receiving treatment for breast cancer within the same year. It was an emotional roller coaster. Recovery took a toll on her physical fitness as well. She suffered from fatigue and lack of motivation on a daily basis.
Eventually, she got tired of feeling awful all the time. When she was finally released by her surgeon to start exercising, she still had a goal of participating in horse-riding competitions. She knew committing to a regular fitness program was going to help with that goal. At that time, she was still having a lot of pain and range of motion problems from her hip fracture. She worried that she’d be battling pain for the rest of her lift. After doing research, she realized strength training was going to be the key.
Julie then contacted Forever Strong. After talking with the Forever Strong trainers and having a tour, she decided it was the right place. Once she got started the training team worked within her limitations. Now, she’s progressed to athletic levels of strength and ability!
How Forever Strong has helped
First, Forever Strong helped Julie physically. She’s so much stronger and can easily get through her days without feeling exhausted. It’s boosted her self-confidence; especially as she is getting older.
“I’m 58 looking at the 60s but I don’t feel 58. I feel like I’m 50, which is great. I intend to ride my horse as long as I can. Now, when I squeeze my horse to go, it actually goes. When I ride I’m so much stronger and my stamina is so much longer. Also, everyday tasks are so much easier now,” says Julie.
Her Favorite Part: the Positive and Supportive Community
Julie’s favorite part of Forever Strong is the community; the trainers and the people that she works out with. The people at Forever Strong are very encouraging to each other. It’s a great way to start the day. In addition to the workout programs, there’s also nutritional advice and guidance; which has helped her lose a couple pounds of body fat since she started.
She loves that he community is very active. Everybody’s so positive. People have a good time and it’s a no-judgment zone. Forever Strong’s Facebook group is very active as well. The trainers post tips, videos, little reminders, and all that stuff. It’s a community; very supportive and a positive environment.
Julie’s Advice:
“People always ask: How do I get motivated? I don’t have enough energy to do it. The solution is: You got to show up! You got to keep showing up. You won’t be disappointed. Forever Strong speaks for itself.”
According to Julie, if she hadn’t joined Forever strong she would still be struggling with her physical fitness. She’d still be experiencing fatigue and lack of motivation to do anything.
If you know someone near Marriottsville, MD who is struggling to get back their energy, strength and motivation after a debilitating injury or medical setback, we can help. Send them to where they can schedule a personalized fitness assessment and consultation. Mention Julie Dodd and they’ll get a special discount!