I wrote this post in response to an email I received from a client who did not believe that I have struggled like her, and wanted proof of my journey.
I started by rummaging through storage boxes to find this never before seen picture of me at 159 lbs. If you look closely, you will see the buttons SCREAMING to pop open in the second picture.
Losing weight is easy. We all know what to do to lose weight fast. Drastically cut calories, and hit the treadmill, cardio class or bootcamp for a couple of weeks and viola!!! Skinny YOU is back!!
We celebrate with a shopping trip, hit the boutique and squeeze into a new pair of skinny jeans that fits just right. It feels fabulous.
“I’m going to stay this size forever!” we think to ourselves.
But, if you are like I was, it does not last forever. Your ‘normal‘ eating habits return. Then, you catch a cold and miss a few workouts and the fat comes back and brings it’s even fatter friends and family to the party!
Fast forward six months and 47 pounds later. “The fat came back he wouldn’t stay away, he was sitting on my porch on the very next day.” I hope you get that song stuck in your head :-).
So, cutting calories and and one hour of aerobics every day failed me. Over and over again it failed me.
For the past 9 years, I’ve been on a mission to find the secrets to staying trim.
I have adopted new beliefs and habits that have NOT FAILED me.
Today, I share my own slimming success principles with you:
1.) STOP EXERCISING MINDLESSLY. I don’t exercise anymore. I train for events. I track my progress based on performance and strength improvements.
2.) LESS IS MORE. I train at the minimum effective dosage.To maximize power and allow sufficient time for recovery, I limit my kettlebell lifting sessions to three times a week.
3.) PUT SOME STYLE INTO YOUR LIFESTYLE. I don’t try to squeeze diet and exercise into my lifestyle. I created a NEW lifestyle that revolves around health, movement and things that feel awesome.
4.) INVEST MONEY IN YOURSELF. I spend my money on organic foods, healthy wild-caught fish, pastured- natural meats. I enroll in workshops and courses that help me stay focused, set new goals and reach them.
5.) BECOME A STUDENT OF YOU. I educated myself on how to heal my metabolism by becoming physically strong. I stay informed of research topics that focus on wellness and longevity.
6.) EAT GOOD FOOD. I nourish my body with tasty foods that help balance my hormones, benefit my digestion, reduce inflammation and support my metabolism.
7.) MAKE FRIENDS WITH STRONG PEOPLE. I surround myself with people who share my lifestyle. I politely disconnect from toxic people.
8.) IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE PILLS, MAKE IT A CHILL-PILL. I don’t sweat the small stuff, or the big stuff. If you are stressing out, your mid-section will tell on you.
9.) ZZZZZZZZZZZ. I get plenty of sleep.
10.) PLAY OFTEN. I move my body everyday in ways that celebrate the fitness level that I have achieved. I dance, climb, rollerblade, mountain-bike, snowboard and fun-run.
(WARNING: Adopting these habits will not cause dramatic weight loss in a short time frame. They will create a sustainable environment that leads to long-term success.)
That’s it. Ten simple things that you can do to cut the cord to the vicious Yo-Yo of weight loss and weight gain.
You can’t do them all at once. But, you can do them in any order. The ‘hard‘ part, is holding yourself back from your old ways. Which one will you start with?
Committed to YOUR highest quality of life through the active pursuit of fitness,

Kelly Scott
Update Summer 2014, I’m now 36 and STILL in the best shape of my life. Here I am at the beach – feeling strong and slim!Join now and start your ForeverStrong personalized fitness journey by calling 301-452-5547 to schedule your complimentary fitness consultation!